
 On this website of the Directorate of Flood Protection and Land Improvement Projects (D19) of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Strategic Plan for Flood Protection Projects (Master Plan) of the Water Division of Attica (EL06) is presented.

With the aim of comprehensively dealing with the flood problems within the Water Division of Attica (EL06), the preparation of the updated Master Plan of Flood Protection Projects was required.


According to the P.D. 123/2017 (Government Gazette 151/A/12-10-2017), the operational objectives of the Directorate of Flood Prevention and Land Improvement Projects (D19) include:

  • The planning, awarding and execution of public works contracts, studies and service provision for the flood protection and land improvement infrastructure projects is the responsibility of the General Secretariat of Infrastructure.
  • The provision of technical assistance in any phase of development (planning, study, implementation) of anti-flood and land improvement projects, carried out by other agencies or levels of administration, following a programmatic agreement.
  • Drafting proposals to improve the current institutional framework of anti-flood and land improvement projects. The exercise of technical supervision, in matters of anti-flooding and land improvement projects, to the supervised Legal entities through its competent Departments.


Website Information


Here you can search for the Department of Attica and for each Study Zone:

  • Information about the Project (object, objective, implementation stages)
  • Information of available registers (KSE-Central Coordinating Committee, Register of Studies and Projects, Inspections and Topographical Surveys)
  • Study Deliverables (Issues, Drawings, Appendices) in digital form
  • Interactive Maps with information on existing, under study and planned projects